21 March, 2024

Give Online

We don't take up an offering during our service but we do believe in the biblical principle of tithing and giving offerings to the Lord through the local church.

Every month we have a different Missions Focus for which we collect mission offerings. 100% of what is given for Missions will go towards the cause it is given for.

If you would like to give a tithe or offering or contribute to one of our Mission offerings, there are a number of options available to you.


Make a payment through your normal online banking platform.

Our banking details:

Tea Tree Gully Community Church Inc.

BSB: 105-192

Account: 018 682 340

Please transfer and reference all Missions money separate from normal tithes and offerings. ( use reference: Missions)


We have a collection box available on the back table in the chapel for your convenience.

If you are giving money for Missions please ensure you use a Missions envelope available near the box.


Log in to your CHURCH CENTRAL app for more details and events.